May 2016 News

Dates to Remember

April 29th – May tuition due
May 12th PAB Meeting 7:00 p.m.
May 27thTuition Due (2 weeks)
May 30th– No School- Memorial Day
June 2ndEnd of the year Picnic   (outside 5:30 p.m. BYOP- no rain date)
June 8th
Session I Camp tuition due

Parent Work Day – Thanks and Opportunities Available!

Thank you to all who have and are participating- it is a tremendous help and truly makes the school “shine” inside and out.  
If there is something you would still like to do or donate:
We are in need of someone to take over the vegetable gardens, rotatil the front sandbox, plant arbor vitae trees, and remove a dead tree, plus more…

Interested In Becoming More Involved?
We would love to see you at the next Parent Advisory Board meeting.  We are currently seeking members for the coming school year.  We meet most second Thursdays of each month, 7:00pm-8:30pm.  Next meeting is this Thursday 5/12.  

Teacher Appreciation Week – Thanks!
WOW!  We so appreciate all of the acts of kindness and gratitude in addition to the monthly staff dinners at our meetings!  We are so lucky to be a part of this community with all of you at CMP~ we love our job and you just put icing on the top with your sincerity and sweetness!Thank you, Thank You, from the CMP StaffP.S.- A BIG shout out to Abby Riesen for organizing and being the committee chair of Staff Appreciation!!!!

Top 10 Tips for Discipline/Child Guidance

  1. Be the leader in your home.
  2. Use guidance to teach.
  3. Remain calm; you can fake it.
  4. Establish clear rules.
  5. Set expectations based on child’s abilities.
  6. Follow through on consequences.
  7. Be flexible; but don’t “cave” because you fear a fight.
  8. Get on the same page with your co-parent.
  9. Brainstorm with your kids to solve problems.
  10. Build a loving relationship so your kids will follow your guidance.

When you discipline your child, you can think to yourself, “What does he need to learn in this situation to grow and mature?” For example, does he need to learn to use his words instead of acting out, to control his impulses, or how to calm himself down?

Children need their parents to provide love. They also need their parents to:

  • guide them,
  • hold them accountable,
  • help them gain the skills they will need to function in the world.

By providing structure, you are aiding your children in developing inner discipline to become responsible adults.

There is no one “right” way to set limits. There is a wide range of healthy discipline approaches. Parents need to avoid the extremes of being overly lax and neglectful (without providing sufficient guidance) or being overly rigid and strict (using harsh discipline that does not respect the child).


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