June 2021 Newsletter

Dates to Remember:
June 4th – last 2 weeks of tuition due
June 16th – last day of school year and All session tuition checks due
June 21st- session 1 of camp begins
July 5th- no camp

Dear Parents,
Resilience is a word that can easily describe this school year. The year has brought many ups and downs for everyone, yet we made it through the corona-coaster together. Your trust in us means so much and we appreciate that you have chosen us in this important role in your child’s life. The children’s joyful learning always fills our hearts, as each day we watch them grow and prepare for life’s journey. – CMP Staff

Each CMP 2020-2021 teacher has a special message for your family in a video clips to be found on our private Countryside Montesssori Preschool Families group. Please visit there to watch each of their videos

Message from Ms Debby

Message from Ms Patty

Message from Ms Alysia

Message from Ms Helen

Message from Ms Cory

Message from Ms Destinee

Message from Ms Hannah

Hats off to all of our CMP Dads. You are important and appreciated! Wishing you all a Happy Father’s Day!!!!

Dear Countryside Montessori Preschool Community,

Hi this is Amy, your out-going parent newsletter and website content helper sneaking in one last message to you all. I am about two weeks away from arriving to CMP with my youngest of three for her last day of preschool. I expect her to turn to give me a confident hug and bounce independently towards her classroom for yet another one of her “best days ever” like she so often has done before. We will be greeted at the door by a caring and compassionate teacher who warmly welcomes us, checks in to see how we are doing, and fills us both with confidence, curiosity and positivity for the day that lies ahead!

After we part ways I will walk back to my vehicle and recount the magnitude of times I have been filled with gratitude and relief for the quality care and learning opportunities my children have had at Countryside over the last seven years. Even with each one of my three children being so different in interests, temperaments, personalities–they all experienced the same amount of love, enjoyment, and growth while at Countryside.

At the end of the busy work day I will drive up the driveway for the last time and peek over the fence to spy my child with her classmates and teacher happily outside. It is one of many regular opportunities she is able to connect in nature and experience its rich wonderment in community. I watch in awe thinking about the many young people who have shared joy in this beautiful space over the last 40 plus years at Countryside and foraged a life-long appreciation of nature.

As I walk over to the entrance to pick up my youngest, she will come running to tell me all about her “best day ever” and we will say our last “see you laters” to the many good friends we have made over the years. We will leave with such full hearts and move on to the next chapter of becoming Countryside Montessori Preschool Alumni. These foundational learning years and positive experiences have benefited my children greatly, and have also been incredibly supportive and confidence building to me in my role as a parent.

The last few years of social distancing have been challenging in many ways, but never did it compromise my child’s learning or safety at CMP. In fact, in many ways it highlighted these two areas as strengths at Countryside. We all experienced unimaginable new ways of life, but this community met the challenges with great strength and resilient children, families and teachers!

Thank you all for choosing Countryside and sharing in this community together. My family has cherished our experiences and we look forward to sending along new families looking for quality care to the doors of this beloved preschool!
Wishing everyone a wonderful summer and hope to see you all around soon!

With peace and love,

Amy Holste (Ezra, Ivy & Violet’s Mom)

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