8/18/16 | New Students Visit (4:30-5:30pm). See letter with orientation packet. | | |
8/22/16 | First day of School! | | |
8/26/16 | 5 weeks of tuition due (8/31-930) | | |
September 2016 | Friendship Month at CMP | | |
9/5/16 | No School - Labor Day | | |
9/6/16 | Parent Orientation Night (7:00-8:30pm). Parent only please) | | |
9/8/16 | All School Family Pizza Social at CMP 5:00pm (no rain date) | | |
9/15/16 | Parent Advisory Board Meeting at CMP 6:30pm. ALL ARE WELCOME! | | |
9/30/16 | 5 weeks of tuition due (10/3-11/4) | | |
10/4/16 | Picture Day | | |
10/6/16 | Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch in morning | | |
10/27/16 | School Halloween Celebration (see notes from teachers) | | |
10/28/16 | No School - Inservice | | |
November 2016 - Date to be Announced | Parents Night Out - Silent Auction. Great fun for parents! | | |
11/4/16 | 4 weeks of tuition due (11/7-12/2) | | |
11/24/16 & 11/25/16 | No School - Thanksgiving | | |
12/2/16 | 5 weeks of tuition due (12/5-1/6) | | |
12/19/16 - 12/30/16 | No School - Winter Break | | |
1/2/17 | Return from Winter Break. Second semester begins. | | |
1/6/17 | 4 weeks of tuition due (1/9-2/3) or semester payment due | | |
1/16/17 | No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | | |
1/26/17 | 100th Day of School! Don't forget to wear your pajamas to CMP! | | |
February 2017 | Registration for Summer Camp 2017 | | |
February 2017 | Letters of intent for school year 2017-2018 sent home | | |
2/3/17 | 4 weeks of tuition due (2/6-3/3) | | |
2/14/17 | School Valentine's Party (see notes from teachers) | | |
March/April | Parent Teacher Conferences (see sign up in classrooms) | | |
3/3/17 | 4 weeks of tuition due (3/6-3/31) | | |
3/3/17 | First week of 2017-2018 school year tuition due - letters of intent will be sent home. | | |
3/3/17 | Moms Night Out at CMP 6:30pm | | |
3/9/17 & 3/10/17 | No School - Inservice | | |
4/10/17-4/14/17 | No School - Spring Break | | |
3/31/17 | 4 weeks of tuition due (4/3-4/28) | | |
4/17/17 | School Resumes | | |
4/28/17 | 4 weeks of tuition due (5/1-5/26) | | |
5/26/17 | 2 weeks of tuition due (5/26-6/7) | | |
5/29/16 | No School - Memorial Day | | |
6/1/17 | All School Picnic at CMP 5:30pm (no rain date) | | |
6/7/17 | Summer Camp 2017 First Session Tuition Due | | |
6/7/17 | Last day of School | | |
6/12/17 | First day of Summer Camp! | | |