December 2018 News

Here Comes the Season of Family Gatherings!

Dear Families,

As winter is upon us and the festivities of the season begin, this can bring big feelings for small children. Big feelings, specifically meaning uncertain emotions (tears, meltdowns and high/lows) at the most unexpected moments.  There is the hustle and bustle of life, quick and large meals on the go, travel, family and friends coming and going, holiday shopping and more. Adults can sort this excitement emotionally.

I would like to challenge you to think of what that might be like in the eyes of your child?

Yes, there is fun and family connections-and this is very important. Yet for your little one, this can mean a lot of schedule changes, transitions, expectations and people. This isn’t anything as a parent to feel guilty about. However, it is your responsibility to prepare accordingly for your family. Some simple yet powerful tips that can support you and your child during these busy times:

  1. Create specific uninterrupted blocks of time to spend with your child before the gathering begins.

  2. Stick with consistent daily routines as much as you can. Food and sleep routines non-negotiable!!!

  3. Less hype the better for a child. Tell the child right before an event not 2 days or 2 weeks before. This creates questions and unnecessary anxiety.

  4. Set crystal clear behavior expectations before you go to a family event. “We are going to Grandmas today. Remember we always use our words even when we are mad wherever we are. Grandmas looking forward to seeing you!” Say with a positive tone.

  5. Take cuddle breaks with your child during family gathering. You are their touchstone.

Most of all…don’t worry about how things should be. Holiday gatherings may or may not meet our adult expectations.  The children only have expectations if we build them up (#3). Reality is we are all human (children and adults) and with that comes emotion. As the parent you can only control the environmental time blocks and basic care mentioned above along with your response to whatever may come. Your child will absorb your words and actions, so when they observe your daily acknowledgement of appreciation and your preparatory actions, they will begin to practice the same. This is a special time of year and memories will be made for sure.

Speaking of gratitude, all the teachers at CMP want to let you all know how thankful we are for YOU and your children. Seasons greetings to you and yours!

Another Mom’s Night OUT is in the books, another fun night!  Thank you for those who made it out to attend and enjoy!

Winter Weather/School Closing
A reminder that if Madison Schools Close, so does CMP. Please watch and or listen for school closings on most local radio and television stations, as CMP will NOT list as a school name, but follow MMSD’s decision.


  • Please take home all your child’s belongings over winter break for washing; outdoor gear, nap gear, etc.
  • Shhhhhh! Don’t Forget your Operations Ornament (aka staff bonus donations) are due by Friday, December 14th. See your child’s mailbox for details. Email our Teacher Appreciation Coordinator with questions.
  • Slots are still available for Staff Meeting Meals. Sign-up at CMP Teacher Appreciation Meals

Please take a look at the meeting minutes from November: CMP PAB Meeting Minutes
If you are able to help us out with any of the endeavors we are currently working on we would gladly appreciate it! Please email our PAB President and if you are available you are welcome to join us at our next PAB meeting on Jan 17th at 6:30pm at CMP.

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