December 2015 News

Dates to Remember
No PAB meeting in December
12/15 Cookie pick up after12pm
12/21/15 -1/1/16 CMP Winter Break, No School
1/8 January tuition due
3/4 Moms Night Out!  630pm.
Happy Holidays from CMP!
Enjoy your children during CMP’s winter break 12/21/15 – 1/1/16!  We hope you get to check a few things off the winter break bucket list below.

Cookie Fundraiser
If you participated in the annual cookie fundraiser, cookies will be available Tuesday 12/15 after 12pm.  Please be prepared to take the cold cookies and treats home at that time.

When is My Child Too Sick to Come to School?
Licensing regulations require the director to call you to pick up your child should he/she show signs of:

  • An incessant cough
  • Green mucus/nose
  • Vomiting, Diarrhea, or Nausea;  These are symptoms that require a student to remain at home until a normal diet is tolerated. If child is sent home due to illness children must stay home the following day of school.
  • An unexplained rash; Rashes or patches of broken itchy skin need to be examined if they appear to be spreading or not improving.
  • Temperature above 101.5 F;  A fever of 101.5 degrees or more signals an illness that is probably going to make a student uncomfortable and unable to function well in class.  Your child should stay home until her/she is feeling better; your child should be fever-free for 24 hours without using Tylenol or advil/ibuprofen. If child is sent home due to illness children must stay home the following day of school.
  • Pink eye or other Infections Diseases; Diseases such as impetigo, pink eye with thick drainage and strep throat require a doctor’s examination and prescription for medication.  Contacting the doctor and using the medicine as directed for the full recommended length of time are necessary.  Once medication has been started and the child is feeling well, he/she may return to school.  Student’s with chicken pox may return to school when all the scabs are completely dried and no new lesions are developing (usually 5 – 7 days).
  • Complaints of a sore throat or earache
  • Injuries;  If a student has an injury that causes continuous discomfort, the student should not attend school until the condition is checked by a doctor or it improves.  Injuries that interfere with class participation need a medical evaluation.

If your child is picked up due to illness, the child may return to CMP after 24 hours and free from any symptoms.

  • If your child is ill in the morning we ask that you keep them home all day and not bring them in the afternoon.
  • All contagious illnesses will be posted on the bulletin board per state regulations.

Two commonly asked questions concerning sick children:

When can a child return to school?  If your child is sick and is unable to participate fully in the program and activities, including outdoor play time, then he/she should not be at school.  If you bring a sick child back to school too early, you risk getting them sick again and you expose all of the other children and staff to potential illness.  Please be sure your child is well enough to participate fully before returning to school.

What happens when a child becomes ill while at school? If your child becomes ill while at school, we will contact you immediately and require that you come to pick-up your child.  After being contacted, every effort must be made by the parents to come and pick up the child as soon as possible.  If we do not reach you, then we will call your emergency pick up numbers.  While waiting to be picked up, your child will be isolated from the other children for their comfort and to prevent spreading illness.

REMINDER:  Please be sure to call the office if your child contracts a communicable disease so that we can post a notice (names are never posted).


* We would like to keep the garbage can on the playground for the children/teachers to use.  Thank you from refraining
from using, we really appreciate it!
* A reminder to not leave cars running in the parking lot.  An adult must be inside the car if the vehicle is on.
* When siblings accompany for drop offs and picks ups, we ask that they please stay in the coatrooms, and close by on the playgrounds.  Teachers can not be responsible for their care, and we want all to be safe. Thank you for your help with this.
* No boots in the classrooms please.  Thank you for leaving a pair of slippers or shoes in your child’s cubbie to help avoid

Getting Ready for Tax Season?

CMP’s Tax Id # 39-17-53172     If you are in need of a childcare receipt, please let Debby know.  Receipts will be processed in order of request on Mondays.

Call for PAB Members!

Hello Fellow PAB Community Members.  The parent advisory board (PAB) is looking for 1 or 2 volunteers to join us.  Many of the current PAB members will have graduating students this year, and we want to ensure a successful transition for CMP as we move on to new adventures with our children next year.  The PAB is involved in many aspects of CMP such as bringing parents together at various events, fundraising to keep tuition costs down, and sharing ideas on how to make CMP the best for our kids.  I invite you to our next meeting (second Thursday of the month) 1/14.  Please consider taking the time to learn more about your child’s school, get to know the administrators and teachers that attend, and fellow parents on the board.  If you have any questions, I can be reached via email  Thanks, Jenna (Owen T’s mom, middle foor, and Brody T, alum)


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